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Halesowen Abbey, West Midlands, England


The Order wishes to express its gratitude to the kindness of
its friend, Dawn, for taking these
Photos in July, 1999 and permitting us to post them.

This is part of the North Wall of the Presbytery (choir).

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Wider view of the North Wall remnant seen in the photo above.

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Presbytery (choir) wall with a portion of the west wall of the south Trancept in the background

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Wider view of photo immediately above, note modern farm buildings and equipment as well as a fence on the right.

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Remains of Abbey Church wall, south Trancept, photographed over the modern stable buildings. hal06.jpg (18488 bytes)
Silouette of the Church wall south Trancept, taken from the opposite side to the photo above. hal10.jpg (19388 bytes)
A clearer, daylight view of the south Trancept. 

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Part of the south and west walls of the "Frater" or refectory.  Notice how it is recessing outward at a noticeable angle. 

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The gothic remains of the refectory building. hal01.jpg (25459 bytes)
Detail of a window port in the Refectory building. hal03.jpg (25829 bytes)
Other side of the Refectory remains, showing the truncated buttresses.  This may be a reason why the walls of these remains are recessing at a noticeable angle.  hal05.jpg (32397 bytes)
Wider view of the front of the Infirmary building.  This building lies separated from the rest of the structures, and is therefore assumed to have been the infirmary.  hal12.jpg (20485 bytes)
Tradition holds that this image of a woman's head is that of St. Barbara.  It is located on the outer Infirmary wall, next to the large entrance seen at right center in the photo above.  hal08.jpg (20413 bytes)
Outside view of the rear of the Infirmary, restored by supporters of the Abbey site.

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Another view of the rear of the infirmary, which lies a short distance from the remaining buildings of the site.  Note the buttresses.

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View of one end-wall of the infirmary.   Note the shutter-hole vents in the wall. 

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Wall detail of the infirmary.  Note the window shuttered using brick. 

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Original timber framed roof inside infirmary.

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Detail of roof timbering inside infirmary.

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Stone lid of a grave recovered near the north wall of the Presbytery (choir).  This may well be an abbot offering his monastery to the Lord (the iconic depiction fits this tradition).

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Stone carving of a kneeling figure believed to be a knight who died in / during the Crusades (the figure has his knees crossed, an indicator of this status). 

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Stable Building. hal04.jpg (29188 bytes)
End wall of the stable building. hal02.jpg (19030 bytes)
Home of the Tudor family, owners of the Abbey.  hal11.jpg (21686 bytes)