Summary Page: Former House
Name: Drozo
Circary at the Time: Hungaria
Years of Activity: saec. 13
Gallery: (none)
Map: None, see below.
Monasticon Praemonstratense: (I, 439)
Approximate modern location: Somewhere in Slovakia.
Elm-Number [See below]: None.*
Altera Commentaria / Other Comments: Parthenon of which little is known. Probably flourished in the 13th century. May be identified with the house called Zoprisa (see introduction of Monasticon Praemonstratense).
* This listing (and the numbers, with a few adjustments after 1995) is based on the map contained in Kaspar Elm's Norbert von Xanten: Adliger, Ordensstifter, Kirchenfürst, Wienand Verlag, Köln, 1984, page 328-329.