Summary Page:  Former House

Name: Niederehe, B.M.V. and St. Leodegar

Circary at the Time:   Westfalia

Active Years: 1175 - 1802

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Map:  Click Here (Source:  © MapQuest


Monasticon Praemonstratense (I, 182)

Approximate modern location: Near Hillesheim, Kreis Daun

Elm-Number [See below]: None.* 

Other Comments: Niederehe is a small village in the "eifel" region which is part of the community of Uexheim.  It is located 20 km southeast of Steinfeld Abbey and 62 km west of the city of Koblenz, Germany.

* This listing (and the numbers, with a few adjustments after 1995) is based on the map contained in Kaspar Elm's Norbert von Xanten: Adliger, Ordensstifter, Kirchenfürst, Wienand Verlag, Köln, 1984, page 328-329.