Summary Page:  Former House

Name: Nyulakszigete, S. Michael

Circary at the Time: Hungaria

Years of Activity: <1225-ca. 1526

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Monasticon Praemonstratense (I, 454)

Approximate modern location: On an island (called the Isle of Lepers) in the Danube in near-central Budapest, now referred to as Margitsziget, Hungary.

Elm-Number [See below]: 356*

Other Comments: This was a renowned Priory, and its zeal and pastoral efforts were prodigious.  One of the most active houses of the Circary.  There is still a famous health spa located on this island-park, as well as a Dominican Convent founded in the 13th century (St. Margaret, one of their nuns, lies interred here - the origin of the modern name Margit sziget).  

* This listing (and the numbers, with a few adjustments after 1995) is based on the map contained in Kaspar Elm's Norbert von Xanten: Adliger, Ordensstifter, Kirchenfürst, Wienand Verlag, Köln, 1984, page 328-329.