Summary Page: Current House

Name:  Queens Park (suburb of Perth), Western Australia, St. Joseph Guardian of the Redeemer Priory

Circary: English

Diocese: Archdiocese of Perth

Postal Address information

Electronic Address information

Gallery:  Click Here


Map:  Click Here (Source:  © MapQuest

Monasticon Praemonstratense: (There is a mention of a house at York, Australia at III, 332, see below, but there is no reference to either Queens Park or Cannington). 

Associated Institutions:

P.O. Box 354
Cannington, WA 6987
(physical location)
38 South St.
York, WA 6302
(postal address)
P.O. Box 89
York, WA  6302



Founded from Kilnacrott Abbey in 1959 as St. Norbert Priory in York, as a dependent house.  Moved government of the region to Queens Park, St. Norbert Priory in 1975.  Became the quasi canonry of 'St. Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer' on March 19, 1991, upon the dedication of the Priory church.  Raised to the status of Priory in its own right (sui juris) on December 8, 1995.