Summary Page: Former House

Name: Tal-Y-Llychau / Talley, B.M.V. and S. Joann. Bapt.

Circary at the Time: Anglia Mediana

Years of Activity: 1193/97-1535

Gallery:  Click Here

Map:  Click Here (Source:  © MapQuest

Monasticon Praemonstratense: (II, 74)

Approximate modern location: Near Carmarthen, South-central Wales. 

Elm-Number [See below]: 21*

Other Comments: The only abbey of the Order in Wales. 

Welsh Historic Monuments publishes a pictorial, spiritual, cultural and literary tours of Tal-Y-Llychau abbey.  It is in full color, 56 pages in length, and is edited by David M. Robinson, BSc, PhD, 1992.  This publication's ISBN number is: 0-948329-60-2.  The publication may be requested at:  

Welsh Historic Monuments
Brunel House
2 Fitzalan Road
Cardiff CF2 1UY

* This listing (and the numbers, with a few adjustments after 1995) is based on the map contained in Kaspar Elm's Norbert von Xanten: Adliger, Ordensstifter, Kirchenfürst, Wienand Verlag, Köln, 1984, page 328-329.