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Order Headquarters, 
Viale Giotto 27, Rome, Italy


This is a very old view of the exterior of Order Headquarters in Rome, which must have been taken MANY years ago, since there has been MUCH growth of foliage in the years since (see below)!  The person taking the photo is across Viale Giotto from the Order Headquarters, with their back against the fence bordering the Baths of Caracalla.

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This is a much more modern, summertime view of what you will see from the same position as the older photo above!  The foliage has grown considerably! Curia02.jpg (26196 bytes)
The immediate area around the front gate itself is about the ONLY area where you can see past the trees and to the buildings beyond. Curia03.jpg (32006 bytes)
From the sidewalk in front of the gate you will be able to read clearly the Latin "Canonical Order of Premonstratensians" above the main doorway. Curia05.jpg (18241 bytes)
Once inside the gate you will be in a small courtyard, where the ability to take wide, panoramic photos is very limited.  Here you see the front of the Church, which lies to the left of the residence building. Curia06.jpg (17759 bytes)
Turning from the view of the church above, you see the residence building . . . Curia07.jpg (22403 bytes)
And the front entryway. Curia08.jpg (23146 bytes)
The main staircase just inside the entryway. Curia09.jpg (21074 bytes)
The staircase leads to offices and residence rooms on the upper floors. Curia20.jpg (17351 bytes)
Ground floor refectory area Curia12.jpg (21871 bytes)
Common Room on the upper floor. Curia28.jpg (23449 bytes)
Formal dining room on the upper floor. Curia30.jpg (16797 bytes)
Meditation chapel on the upper floor. Curia22.jpg (20379 bytes)
Office of the Abbot General. Curia24.jpg (20668 bytes)
Abbot General's Office, reception area. Curia23.jpg (22425 bytes)
Interior "atrium" garden area of Order Headquarters. Curia10.jpg (24537 bytes)
Interior garden, another view. Curia11.jpg (20209 bytes)
From the garden area, you can look up to see a terrace area, used for relaxation and more horticulture! Curia19.jpg (30968 bytes)
Looking from the rear area of the church toward the altar and beyond that the Abbot's Chair. Curia29.jpg (23468 bytes)
View from one of the choir stalls. Curia15.jpg (22221 bytes)
An organist's view of the church and choir area! Curia17.jpg (24355 bytes)
Area in the church for reservation of the Blessed Sacrament. Curia13.jpg (17608 bytes)
Assembly area in the church for special occasions and rites. Curia16.jpg (22426 bytes)
Looking up from the church and choir area, you look through the latticework and can view the paneled ceiling. Curia18.jpg (22477 bytes)
Looking down from the meditation chapel on the upper floor, you can look through the latticework and into the main church. Curia21.jpg (24475 bytes)